Sunday, October 5, 2014

We started reading "Middle School: The Worst Years of my Life", by James Patterson, in our Reading class, two weeks ago. 

This is the story of Rafe Khatchadorian, a very special kid, who is just starting sixth grade in the Hills Village Middle School. He is terrified about entering this new jail, as he refers to. He's afraid of the school bully, Miller, the Killer, and he totally hates all of his teachers. He doesn't have many friends and he just met the cutest girl on the first day of school, Jeanne Galleta, who doesn't even know he exists. Classic. Besides, he is going through a lot of problems at home, starting with the fact that his mom is about to marry the world's biggest slug, Carl, the Bear. 

Luckily, he's got an ace plan for the best year ever, if only he can pull it off: With his best friend Leonardo the Silent awarding him points, Rafe tries to break every rule in his school's oppressive Code of Conduct.

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